Telegram introduces voice calls and these are encrypted, clear and smart, as are messages. This has been stated by the developers of the instant messaging platform that have made available to users the new update 3.18 for Android and iOS smartphones. General Manager Pavel Durov had promised through a Twitter message earlier this year and a few months later he kept that promise. Add this new feature to the already excellent Russian messaging system that has long headed the download lists around the world.
Encrypted voice calls
In the list of changes shown as usual, Telegram developers have emphasized that users can make calls without having to worry about security. Voice calls, in fact, use a new encryption key exchange system that allows high levels of security through end-to-end encryption. Telegram does not want to leave anything to chance and you can ensure that the encryption key is the same as the other party simply by comparing four icons that appear on the two smartphones. If the icons are identical and are in the same position, then the conversation will be absolutely secure and there will be no chance that the attackers can hear the conversation. This also applies to message exchange.
Quality calls
But Telegram also aims to deliver quality in an attempt to reach the highest level for its users. In this case, the developers say that conversations, whenever possible, will be managed through a peer-to-peer network, using a codec that tries to optimize higher levels of audio quality from the speakers. If peer-to-peer mode is not available, the application is automatically adopted to the server closest to the caller, which always allows the support of a strong network of excellent quality. All this thanks to the use of the automatic network connection with the available speed, the latency and the percentage of lost packets. In short, a real neural network with technical information received from any smartphone.
Telegram: the simplicity in your smartphone
Making calls is easier than ever. In iOS, you can also make a call simply by using the new section that shows the option to make a call. In this case the phone icon will appear and the call can be started by tapping the menu. The call icon will be present in the contact information. For Android, on the other hand, the screen can be accessed from the classic menu on the left side of the device.
Update 3.18 also allows you to use a new option that manages to compress the video being sent. In this case the user can even preview the video in five different levels of compression before sharing. Telegram once again confirms more than ever the idea of satisfying users with new and important features that are making it more acceptable to compete against WhatsApp, but also against Google Home or iMessage.