Having deployed the update late last month for the Nvidia Shield TV, Android 7.0 Nougat now also comes to the Nvidia Shield Tablet through the firmware 5.0 update which in addition to the introduction of the latest distribution of Google's operating system, brings with it also several improvements at the software level and corrects a series of errors and system instability that users will be grateful for. The new distribution of Android 7.0 Nougat incorporates numerous previously unseen features such as split screen, which allows you to use two applications in vertical or horizontal mode and switch from one application to another without wasting little time in that transition. Below we tell you all the novelties of the update.

Nvidia Shield Tablet gets firmware 5.0 based on Android Nougat 1

Changelog of the update on the Nvidia Shield Tablet

  • Ability to respond to messages directly from notifications.
  • The option to touch a few seconds a notification to block or to silence later all notifications of the application.
  • New Doze on the Go mode, even more optimized.
  • Many new emoji based on Unicode 9.
  • Ability to adjust fonts separately from the screen for easy reading.
  • Quick settings customizable directly from the menu.
  • Access Quick Settings by sliding your finger down from the lock screen.
  • New navigation menu to improve ease of use.
  • The option to delete everything in the menu has been moved to the upper right.
  • New option to save data that, if enabled, restricts access to the data network for background applications.
  • New JIT compiler.
  • Update of security patches in December 2016.

As in the previous update of the Nvidia Shield Tablet, notification of new firmware via OTA will gradually come over the next few days.

Nvidia Shield Tablet gets firmware 5.0 based on Android Nougat