The set of vulnerabilities QuadRooter, set to hit the Android smartphones built with Qualcomm processors, may be living on borrowed time thanks to the work that different manufacturers -including Google and the same Qualcomm- are taking place these days. The first brand prepared to offer the solution to the problem is BlackBerry with security patches dedicated to its own devices, and whose solutions affect especially to BlackBerry DTEK50 and BlackBerry Priv has certainly surpassed the competition in user support.

QuadRooter has a potential risk for more than one billion Android devices, even without having been infected due to the presence of security systems built into smartphones and tablets with Google operating system versions 4.2 and higher. BlackBerry has in its Android smartphones additional security system that controls the device in advance and is not subject to attacks from outside.

Three of the four vulnerabilities have been changed by the same Qualcomm and subsequently these changes have been introduced into August security patches, while the fourth vulnerability, called ASHmenian Devil, will be included in the patch that Google will release in September. Sony recently said they are committed to finding a solution for its devices, while BlackBerry has decided to anticipate the release of the patch to ensure maximum protection for its users.

The BlackBerry security director, David Kleidermacher, explained that the decision of the company to anticipate the release of patch comes from the desire to ensure maximum security of users of BlackBerry. "Some critical vulnerabilities in Android can not wait for a monthly update cycle," he said in a recent statement.

BlackBerry Priv and DTEK50 first Android smartphones to receive the patch for the vulnerability QuadRooter