Update a Zte smartphone, we must go to its support page, and follow the steps below:

1- Let's go to the drop-down menus

Find Support On Your Product would do so.

Country: we select the country.

Select Category: Smart Phones,

Select Product: Your exact model and if it is supplier / free.

2- Download the firmware.

3- Unzip the firmware we have downloaded.

4- Copy it on the micro sd card.

5- Go to Settings -> Phone information -> Software updates.

We will have 2 options:

                        - Update.

                       - Update from SD card.

6- Select Update from SD card. (If we want to do it over Wi-Fi, we can press Update, as long as it is available via the update via OTA)

7- With the battery charged at least 80% (Important!)

8 - Click on update, it will take a few minutes to update and it will restart several times.

9- Once finished, we will have the updated ZTE.