One of the few weaknesses of Huawei, especially by Western consumers, is the software installed on the terminals of the Chinese manufacturer. Too much bloatware, and the interface itself too inspired by iOS, which cared little for optimizations and more in a general appearance that looks dated and sometimes not maximizing the potential of its latest smartphones.

During a talk with AndroidPIT, the vice president of smartphones division, Changzu Li, has told everything new we can expect from Huawei in the coming months. As expected for some days, it all starts with a new version of the interface, EMUI 5.0, which will arrive in the third quarter of the year and will be much more focused on usability, so also will be a much lighter software and faster than current interfaces.

The second cornerstone of the new Huawei policy will be in the speed of deployment of updates and changes. The Chinese giant wants to accelerate its work with new versions of Android and stay within two months after the release by Google. To do so, it aims to reduce the number of smartphones, focusing on quality rather than quantity.

Previously, Huawei portfolio included about 20 devices, while in recent years, the number had risen to 70. The ideal solution is to reach a maximum of eight product lines, including phones also sold under the brand Honor. The third step would be to obtain further optimization of preinstalled applications to take full advantage of the hardware on which they rotate.

Huawei encourage to achieve them in its applications store, which could reach our countries. Unlike the Play Store, where we can find poor quality applications, the applications store by the Chinese manufacturer will be much more serious, at the same level as Apple, improving the quality of the applications submitted and therefore customer satisfaction.

Regarding related to the development of a proprietary operating system issues, Changzu Li confirms that Huawei will continue to focus on Android, as the ecosystem offers enormous benefits, and the Google operating system is too important to give it up. But that does not mean that it not be thinking in an alternative if the rumors about Google are maintained.

Finally, another important issue but about which there are few new features, is the field of virtual reality, even though the Chinese manufacturer is one of the new members of the Google Daydream platform. It does not seem to be in the immediate plans of the company to engage in this kind of hardware devices, although this could change soon.

Huawei talks about EMUI 5, Huawei Kirin OS and Android updates 1

Huawei talks about EMUI 5, Huawei Kirin OS and Android updates