Two months after the launch of Android 7.0 Nougat on the HTC 10, it seems that things are taking a turn for the worse due to some errors of which, however, all the relevant information is not yet known. After the release of the firmware in the United States, all the long awaited update tracks in the rest of the world have been lost. Today, however, we have known that HTC has decided to suspend all deployment due to too many errors detected, and the confirmation comes hand in hand from HTC Germany, in response to a question from a user.

HTC 10 has some problems after updating to Android Nougat 1

In theory, HTC has decided to temporarily suspend the deployment to investigate the problem. Currently the developers are trying to identify and solve potential problems on the HTC 10, and according to the same Taiwanese company, the work is already underway and await resolutions soon. However, to avoid further potential problems such as those that have already occurred, the in-depth tests lead to canceling the update to Android.

HTC 10 has some problems after updating to Android Nougat 2

HTC had started about two months ago the official launch of Android 7.0 Nougat for the top range of its devices. After several months since the beginning of the deployment (very, very gradual) some users began to notice some problems. Several users began to complain in various social networks, forums, or directly to HTC, and the situation even led to the creation of various groups of users harmed by the update to Android Nougat.

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At present the deployment of the update had only been initiated in the United States, so it is unclear whether the launch will also be suspended in other countries. It is assumed that as soon as the situation is resolved, we will know a statement from the company to announce the end of the suspension. Therefore, we hope that the official update can continue with its planned course, without problems, as soon as possible. Finally, it should be remembered that the upcoming Mobile World Congress could serve to see HTC officially following the recent announcement of the line HTC U Ultra.

HTC 10 has some problems after updating to Android Nougat