One of the most underrated latest devices on the market, the HTC 10, is also one of the most remarkable and forgotten smartphones of the year. Despite the latter, the Taiwanese company continues its efforts to keep it up to date and has promised an update to Android 7.0 Nougat for Christmas, and now that a new benchmark has appeared in GFXBench, confirmed that HTC is actively working to fulfill that promise.

The popular platform is usually quite reliable as far as concerns to rumors. If this benchmark is a beta version in the early stages, or a more advanced version, it is impossible to say for the moment, but just over three months to December, it seems normal that the first signs appear on the network. In this sense, it is expected that the update comes first to the United States, where HTC releases updates regularly and pretty soon, and (much) later to other countries, although only time (or some well-informed source) will tell.

In addition to this, another story that seems to confirm the arrival of Android 7.0 Nougat (and also Android 7.1 Nougat) to HTC 10 has appeared. In fact, the first information about the new version of the operating system, though unofficial, comes about HTC, through user @LlabTooFeR (always well informed). The news is the current flagship of the company, again, which seems to confirm that the update is on the way. Apparently, the company plans to update the device to Android 7.0, while Android 7.1 will come later. That is, that there will be a transition to the latest version, avoiding the jump from Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow to Android 7.1 Nougat. Unfortunately, for the time there's no information on the time we have to wait between them.

HTC 10 appears in a benchmark with Android Nougat 1

HTC 10 appears in a benchmark with Android Nougat